If this is your first time knowing DatamineHub, you may wonder what DatamineHub does and whether it can meet your needs. You can quickly browse our brief introduction and main concepts
If you don’t have an account yet, you can give it a try. DatamineHub offers a permanent free tier, and no credit card is required for registration.
You can also start with mobile app and scan your barcode with mobile app for free, even try it without signup.
Account is available on both DatamineHub Mobile App and Web App. Since the process is identical on both mobile app and web app, below documentation is based on mobile app. The same process works for web app too.
The Anonymous login is only available on mobile app.
If you already signed up with email/password, or binded your google sign in with email/password, or, bind email/password for your anonymous account, you can type in your email and password in the login view to log into the app. As mobile app, typically, you don't need to logout/login so often, the app will keep you logged in as long as you are active on the app.
Google Sign In
If you don't want to sign up with email/password although it's pretty simple. You can login with your google account. Don't worry, this is a feature provided by Google, with your authorization during the process, we will only get your google email, your name and avatar, no other information.
Tap the 'Google' button:
Then, you will be redirected to the Google authorization process
Follow the process, once authrozied, you will be logged into the app with your google email. You don't need to set password. If you logged out of the app, just use Google Sign in again next time you login.
You don’t want to register an account before you see what the app looks like and whether it meets your business needs. We totally get it, which is why we provide anonymous login.
The main motivation of anonymous account is to allow you to quickly know about this app without registering an account. With anonymous account, you can create data just like regular logged in user and understanding how to use the specific functions.
But because it is anonymous, we are not able to synchronize data among mobile phones and computers. So you will not be able to manipulate your data on our web app, such as export sheets, and many other great features we're planning to provide.
Once you have a general understanding of the app and feel that it can meet your needs, you should bind an account. To do so, go to Settings to complete this operation. For details, please refer to the settings doc.
To start use Anonymous, tap the Anonymous button:
You will be asked to agree on terms.
Anonymous account data only exists on this phone and cannot be synchronized to other devices. When you change a phone to log in anonymously, the data will not be transferred.
When you delete the app on your phone, install it again and log in anonymously, the data will not exist.
The validity period of the anonymous account is two weeks, after which we will clean the anonymous data and you will not be able to login again with anonymous.
Anonymous account is not able to log in to our web app, where there will be more powerful data processing functions.
Because of these limitations, we highly recommend that you bind your account as soon as possible, once you have learned about the app.
Sign Up
To sign up a new account with email/passoword, just tap the 'Sign Up' link. On Sign up view:
Provide your email, first name, last name and password. Note: to protect your account, the password must contain at least one number (0-9), one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one special character like !, @, #, $, %, &, *. 8-16 long. We understand that it is troublesome to enter these characters on a mobile phone, but it is worth the trouble to protect your account.
Once you set all information, tap the 'Sign Up' button. You would see this view:
Check your email, you would received a one time verification code. The code is valid for 5 minutes. Provide it in the Input Code box.
In case you really missed the code's validity period, don't worry. You can tap the 'Resend Code' button to request a new one time verification code again.
Note: You can only request the verification code three times. We have reason to believe that this is abnormal behavior, so we will lock the registration of this email.
Google Sign In
Refer to the above Login section, it's the same function, just provide on the signup view too.
Refer to the above Login section, it's the same function, just provide on the signup view too.
Forgot Password
If you forgot password during login, tap the 'Forgot Password' link:
Provide your signed up email:
Then, we will send you a one time verification code, check your email and type it in the input code box, tap the 'Validate' button.
The valid period of verification code is 5 minutes. In case you missed the time, you can tap the 'Resend Code' button to request a new one time verification code. Note: You can only request the verification code three times. We have reason to believe that this is abnormal behavior.
Log Out
Typically, you don't need to logout of app, in case you really want to, you can go to Settings-> Logout